Thursday 23 September 2010

Walk 34

Porlock to Blue Anchor 11.5miles

Started the day by driving out to Porlock and parking in the town, then realised I had no water so I went in search of a shop and I found one in the high street run by a guy who comes from New York City! and has been living in deeepest darrkest Somerset for 25years...just totally did not expect the accent! really nice guy and he runs the traditional sweet shop in Porlock if you want to look him up!!!

The weather was very windy today, which managed to blow me up the one and only climb of the day at Bossington, it was a nasty a good mile long :(. The rest of the journey t Minehead was pretty uneventful and finally I made it to the start/finish of the SWCP ( see Pic) The next part of the journey is down to my map reading skills!!! oh dear...........

I walked on to Blue Anchor with the intention of catching the steam train back to Minehead, but just as I was walking into BA the steam rose above the staion and the train chugged past me at the level crossing minus 1 unhappy walker :(.....however this story has a happy ending because stuck in the traffic was a guy in a camper van who obviously saw that I was lookin a little forlawn and he souted over to me "do you need a lift to Minehead?" wayhayyyyyy what a result. So a bit thank you to Alan and his campervan.......hooorarrrrr.

Just for the train spotter amongst you all.......the second pic for you :)

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