Brighton to Eastbourne 24miles
Another warm sunny day greeted me on what was going to be the hardest day walking of my week away. It was nice and easy all the thru Peacehven, Newhaven and onto Seaford, it was at Seaford I saw a sight for sore eyes.....a HILL...a nice big un as well!!!!, once at the top the view to Seaford was fantastic(see Pic1), and yes that is a golf course at the top of the hill!!!. I travelled another mile or so to be greeted with a view to end all views(see pic 2)...the Seven Sisters, I had to stand there staring for several minutes just to take in the view :). The next task was to tackle these hills which wasn't too bad, up and down 7 times, easy peasy when you compare with some of the valleys I have had to walk in D&C!. The final part of the walk took in Beachy Head (see pic3) with its familier red and white lighthouse stuck out on a rock looking very precarious.