Dunoon to Auchenbreck Wood 21.5miles
Aux Ship |
I was kept awake for most of the night by a storm hammering against my bedroom window, eventually I had to get up and face the music.... by the time I had made it to the outskirts of Dunoon I was soaked! I trudged along the coast keeping to the hedges where possible to protect me from the worst of the weather, most of today was along roads and the first village was Innellan this came and went quickly, soon I made it to Toward I decided against walking down to the lighthouse as I wouldn't be able to get a decent picture in this weather. At Toward I headed west for a couple of miles then a right turn took me north along the banks of Loch Striven, as I turned a corner at Brackley point I was shocked to see a huge Royal Navy auxiliary ship moored up, it stopped me in my tacks as it was the last thing I expected to see tucked away on a Loch in Scotland! Apparently this is where the ships come to have there tanks cleaned out.
Loch Stiven |
Just after Inverchaolain the road ran out and a track took over, this ran for a few miles when this eventually ran out, at this point things started to go wrong......I had researched this stretch of coastline and even though there was no path on the map I believed I could get through to my rendezvous point with the taxi I had ordered at Auchenberck Wood, but I tried 3 different routes all to no avail, the bracken was 4 foot high in places and totally impenetrable, I had no choice but to turn back and pick up my taxi at Brackley Point I was very disappointed to say the least.
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